Our academy represents quality and a personal approach.

To give you an impression of flight training, Stichting Vliegopleidingen Limburg in collaboration with Cycloon Holland offers you the possibility to make an introduction flight or a trial lesson. Have you caught the flying virus? Then subscribe to a flight training at Stichting Vliegopleidingen Limburg!

We would love to show you our fleet and discuss your wishes. New aspirant pilots are welcome throughout the year. To learn more about the details and prices, please contact us for a quote by filling out the form below.

Available flight training

  • ATO (Approved Training Organisation)

    Meets the ILT (Inspectie leefomgeving en transport) standards.

  • PPL (A)

    Execute private flights on single engine airplanes. VFR. (Visual Flight Rules)

  • LAPL (A)

    Execute private flights on single engine airplanes within Europe. VFR. (Visual Flight Rules)

  • Night Rating

    Flight training in the dark in accordance with VFR. (Visual Flight Rules)

  • IR Instrument Rating

    Flying in controlled airspace during Limited sight. (IMC)

  • Basic Instrument Rating

    Flying in controlled airspace during Limited sight (IMC). Only for PPL.

  • CB-IR Competency based Instrument Rating

    Same privileges as a fully traditional IR owner. Fly in all airspace classifications and make instrument approaches up to 200ft decision height.

  • Aerobatic Rating

    Learn the basics of aerobatics.

  • SE Class Rating

    Fly aircraft of different category. Example: In possession of PPL(A) TMG and to fly the PPL(A)SEP category.

  • PBN Conversion Course

    Performance Based Navigation mandatory since 25-08-2018 for IR rating. (GPS approach, Enroute & RNAV departures)